Afro-Asian-Solidarities in Divided Berlin
Maria-Ketzmerick Calandrino
This sub-project focuses on Afro-Asian actors in the divided city of Berlin in a localized long-term perspective. The project works with the question of the extent to which local entanglements are challenged by changing global discourses and contexts regarding racial division and how much racialized actors used Berlin and its possibilites through being a venue of direct competition between different political systems. The project is interested in the long-term dynamics between local division, regional embedding, and international context of the South-South solidarities and the dynamics around globalized discourses and the everyday local practices.

The research is divided into three parts: First, the project looks at the international level and investigates what role the Berlin-question plays diplomatically among Afro-Asian countries. Secondly, the project focuses on the divided city as a space of opportunity for Afro-Asian actors and the extent to which systemic competition created spaces for maneuver. In a final step, the project works biographically and focuses on narratives of people of African-Asian decent and their live stories.​​
Image: Thiémard horlogerie Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 2.0
"Colonial Dis/Continuities in Cameroon and the Postcolonial Dilemma in the Archive", Global Studies Quarterly, 4, 3, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/isagsq/ksae066
"Security. Speaking with Fanon? Critical Security Studies in Tandem with De/Postcolonial Theories", 08.10.2024,
Virtual Encyclopaedia Of Peace and Conflict, https://rewritingpeaceandconflict.net/2024/10/08/security-speaking-with-fanon/
"Colonial conflict under international rule? The securitization of the Cameroonian decolonisation", Cameroon Journal of Studies in the Commonwealth, 7, 1, pp. 136-153, 2024, https://camerooncommonwealthjournal.com/storage/uploads/cameroon_commonwealth_journal31.pdf

Image: Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild: F079010-0037
Ketzmerick, M. (2023) "The Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon: Local Conflict, Global Competition, and Transnational Rebel Governance". In: Small Wars and Insurgencies.
Maria Ketzmerick, Tareq Sydiq (2022): Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie : Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich“ in der und für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung?. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung,
Ketzmerick, M. (2022) “Mit Sicherheit Kritik – wie umgehen mit kritischer Forschung?”. In: ZIB Issue 1.

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Politisches Archiv AA
Image: Bundesarchiv Bild 183; M0804-0717
​Article in CRAFTE Working Paper Series

Image: Landesarchiv Berlin