Research Projects

Media Entanglements
Anandita Bajpai
This project explores African and Asian actors' media entanglements enabled by international broadcasting radio stations and their global listening publics. It particularly examines stations like Deutsche Welle (DW), Radio Berlin International (RBI), British Broadcasting Service (BBC), Radio Moscow and Voice of America (VOI)),

Students' Coalitions
Nico Putz
The project examines the everyday lives and networks of Afro-Asian, especially Indian students and trainees with a special focus on the social, political and cultural curricula that accompanied the young people parallel to their professional training and shaped their future lives.

Women's Networks
Tamalika Roy
​This project explores women’s internationalisms during the Cold War by particularly focusing on Afro-Asian solidarity networks. Engaging with one particular organisation, the Berlin based Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF), it will delve into how women from Asia and Africa shaped this organisation and thereby the women’s rights movement. ​​​

Afro-Asian-Solidarities in Divided Berlin
Maria Ketzmerick-Calandrino
The project is interested in the long-term dynamics between local division, regional embedding, and international context of the south-south solidarities and the dynamics around globalized discourses and the everyday local practices.