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One of the aims of CRAFTE is to write history with rather than about our interlocuteurs. Here you can get a first impression of the oral history material produced by the project. As we continue to speak to more and more interlocutors and transcribe and index their testimonies, we hope to keep adding elements from our database here. 

Iseewanga Indongo Imbanda
Ujjwal Bhattacharya and Mahesh Jha
Malobika Chattopadhyay

This feature of the website is work-in-progress. We will continually update information in the form of interview snippets (audio and visual clips), quotes, and additional grey literature as we update our database. 

Please keep checking regularly for new materials.

Please note– any material published here may not be cited without the relevant permissions. Kindly contact the CRAFTE Team for details 


Iseewanga Indongo-Imbanda

From the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iseewanga arrived in West Berlin in 1966. Here we share some snippets from a life impacted by the divided city and its Wall.




Ujjwal Bhattacharya & Mahesh Jha

Two journalists from Radio Berlin International and later Deutsche Welle share their experiences as Indians working for international broadcasting stations from the GDR and FRG.


Joan Oeme

As a South African staff member of the Women's International Democratic Federation in East Berlin, Joan Oeme recounts her memories of the anti-Apartheid movement & Afro-Asian solidarity among WIDF's representatives.


Malobika Chattopadhyay

Present in East Berlin from 1984-87 as an Indian representative at the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF), Malobika Chattopadhayay shares memories of both her organisation and the city. 


Jagdish Dasrouth

Second generation Mauritian of Indian ancestry, Jagdish Dasrouth talks about Afro-Asian coexistence, linguistic pluralism and religious diversity in Mauritius. 


Roly Jha

Studying Psychology at the Humboldt University, every day life in East Berlin, Afro-Asian students' networks, and the fall of the Berlin Wall– Roly Jha recounts her experiences as an Indian student in the GDR.




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