Previous and forthcoming publications of the research team of relevance to the project
Coming up
Ketzmerick, M., (forthcoming, 2025) "Colonial Dis/Continuities in Cameroon and the Postcolonial Dilemma in the Archive", under review with Global Studies Quarterly
Ketzmerick, M., (forthcoming, 2025) "Postcolonial Embarrassment at the United Nations: Cameroon's Anglophone Conflict in the UN-Arria Formula Meeting", under review with Cooperation and Conflict
Bajpai, A. (forthcoming, 2025) “Photographs as travelling radio- and memory-objects from Cold War India”, in: David Leupold and Saadi Norman Nikro (eds.), Mobile Histories, Activated Memories: Mediums, Artefacts, and Archival Repositories, Transdisciplinary Souths book series, New York & London: Routledge.
Bajpai, A. (forthcoming, 2025) “Radio Listening and its Epistolary Networks in India during the Cold War”, in: P. Wien, Pelle Olsen et. al (eds.), Ruling the Waves. Transnational Radio Broadcasting in the Middle East and the Mediterranean between Production and Reception, 1920-1970, Leiden: Brill.
Bajpai, A. (2024) Book Review, Alonso, I H, Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders, New York: columbia University Press, 2023, Nidān: International Journal for Indian Studies, 9(1), pp. 119-121.
Bajpai, A. (2024) “Material Lives of Cold War Radio Pasts in India”, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 44(1), pp. 86-119.
Bajpai, A. (2024) “Objects of Love: Remembering Radio Berlin International in India”, in: E. Emery, M. Hines and E. Preuß (eds.), The GDR Tomorrow: Rethinking the East German Legacy, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 279–310.
Dutt, B. & S. Jestrovic (eds.) (2024) Theatre, Activism, Subjectivity: Searching for the Left in a Fragmented World Manchester: Manchester United Press.
Bajpai, A. (2023) “Friendship through Ether Waves: Radio Berlin International and its Listening Publics in India", Internationale Forschungsstelle DDR, 2023, (in German:
Dutt, B (2023) "Post-colonial Imaginations: Afro-Asian Dialogues in the Past and the Present", in: M. Haughton et. al. (eds.), Theatre, Performance and Commemoration: Staging Crisis, Memory and Nationhood, London: Metheun, pp. 159-170.
Ketzmerick, M. (2023) The Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon: Local Conflict, Global Competition, and Transnational Rebel Governance, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 34(1), pp. 247-78.
Roy, T. (2023) “Elegy for a Lost World: Reading Syed Mustafa Siraj's Mayamridanga as Theatre-Fiction”, in: Graham Wolfe (ed.). The Routledge Companion to Theatre Fiction, New York: Routledge, pp. 116-29.
Ketzmerick, M. and S. Tareq (2022): Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie : Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich“ in der und für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung?. In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 11, pp. 165-82.
Ketzmerick, M. (2022) “Mit Sicherheit Kritik – wie umgehen mit kritischer Forschung?”. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 29(1), pp. 70-85.
Bajpai, A. (2022) “Herzliche Wellelängen: Radio Berlin International in Indien zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges” In: Michael Mann (ed.). MIDA Modernes Indien in deutschen Archiven: In Memoriam Dietmar Rothermund. (accepted and reviewed),Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag, pp. 29- 81.
CRAFTE Team at Lectures/Conference presentations/Talks/Colloquia
Anandita Bajpai, Film Screening and Discussion, The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, documentary film on Radio Berlin International in India, South Asia Institute, Universität Heidelberg, 17.07.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, Film Screening and Discussion, The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, & Impulsvortrag, German Radio Broadcasters and their Listening Publics in India: Glimpses of Radio Berlin International and Deutsche Welle, 1964-90, Sommerfest, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, 18.07.2024.
Nico Putz, Modernes Indien in Deutschen Archiven, 1706-1989, Lecture at the institutional farewell of Michael Mann (Chair Kulturen und Gesellschaften Südasiens), organised by Berlin South Asian Studies (BerSAS) platform, Institute for African and Asian Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 12.07.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, South Asian Studies in Berlin, Opening Lecture at the institutional farewell of Michael Mann (Chair Kulturen und Gesellschaften Südasiens) ,organised by Berlin South Asian Studies (BerSAS), Institute for African and Asian Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 12.07.2024.
Maria Ketzmerick, Between Colonial Control and Independence: The UN Trusteeship Council as a Locale for Negotiating Racial Politics, Paper presented at workshop: Race and Multilateralism in the International Order, SCRIPTS: Contestations of the Liberal Script, Freie Universität Berlin, 23.05.2024.
Tamalika Roy, Nico Putz & Anandita Bajpai, Presentation of projects at the CRAFTE Thematic Day, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, accompanied by Lecture by Prof. Ali Raza, LUMS, Pakistan, 13.05.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, The Inter-Image: Transgenerational Conversations with Material Internationalisms, Public lecture at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (with Prof. Dr. Doreen Mende),, Berlin, 12.05.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, Warum Heute? Verflechtungen der DDR mit der Welt, Panelist at Public Panel organized by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD), Hermann-Glöckner-Saal, Albertinum, Dresden, 26.04.2024.
Nico Putz, Through the grape-vine? Reception of Indian protest culture amongst German leftists, 1960´s-70´s, Paper presented at Workshop, India-Germany Entanglements: New Avenues in the German Archival Landscape, MIDA Project DFG and Max Weber Forum New Delhi, India, 22.03.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, Material resonances of international radio broadcasters from the Cold War: Radio Berlin International and Deutsche Welle in India, 1964-90, Paper presented at Workshop, India-Germany Entanglements: New Avenues in the German Archival Landscape, MIDA Project DFG and Max Weber Forum New Delhi, India, 22.03.2024.
Nico Putz & Anandita Bajpai, Modern India in German Archives 1706-1989 (MIDA), Public Lecture at the launch event of the DFG funded MIDA Research Portal, organized by the MIDA-Project (Germany) and Max Weber Forum, New Delhi, 21.03.2024
Anandita Bajpai, Material Resonances of Radio Shortwaves from the Cold War: International Broadcasters and their Listening Publics in India, Paper presented at conference Sound, Text, Context: Artistic and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Aurality, organized by Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, 15.02.2024.
Nico Putz, Presentation of CRAFTE PhD project, Doctoral Colloquium, Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, 11.01.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, Photographs as Travelling Radio– and Memory Objects from Cold War India, presented at the South Asia Colloquium, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 10.01.2024.
Anandita Bajpai, Film Screening and Discussion, The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, Documentary film, at Department of Anthropology, Catholic University Leuven, KUL, Belgium, 21.12.2023.
Nico Putz, Modernes Indien in Deutschen Archiven, 1706-1989, presentation at Treffen des Arbeitskreis Südasienbibliotheken, 06.12.2023
Anandita Bajpai, Afro-Asian Solidarities, Epistolary Exchanges and Photographic Archives: Tracing Radio's Material Resonance(s) in Cold War India, Lecture at Research Colloquium of the Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region (GAMS) Department, Institute for African and Asian Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 01.12.2023.
Anandita Bajpai, Film Screening and Discussion, The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, Documentary film, at Hamburg India Week, 23.11.2023.
Anandita Bajpai, Film Screening and Discussion, The Sound of Friendship: Warm Wavelengths in a Cold, Cold War, Documentary film, at the opening of Crossings Film Festival, Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), Georg-August Universität Göttingen, 09.11.2023.